Saturday, April 6, 2024

Medvedev accuses leaders of NATO member countries of aiding concert hall attack

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has accused leaders of NATO member countries, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, of helping to carry out the terrorist attack on a concert hall outside Moscow.

Medvedev said in a Telegram post that "senior officials in NATO countries" including Macron can be regarded as accomplices in the attack on the Crocus City Hall. He said the reasons to make the conclusion are Macron’s "rhetoric, his actions, and mostly his authorization of clandestine operations with the Banderist regime."

"It is obvious that Macron and some other Western leaders are the sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack," the official said. "There is no forgiveness for this. There can be no immunity from this. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia.".


  1. Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev has blamed Ukrainian officials for organizing the recent attack on a concert hall outside Moscow.

    Reports that the Islamic State terrorist group (banned in Russia) claimed the responsibility for the attack on the Crocus City Hall are just a cover-up, according to the official.

    "The real organizers are still hiding in the shadow of the IS," he said on Telegram. "But initial information from the phones of these hired freaks, which was released, gives unambiguous evidence about the nationality of the organizers. Like a lot of other things that are in the open (their exfiltration destination) or as yet undisclosed. They are the officials of the Nazi ‘Ukraine.’ It was their freak brains that gave birth to the idea to make up for failures at the battlefield with terrorist attacks, which, however, is not surprising," Medvedev said.

    He warned that these individuals "will have to answer either according to the law or otherwise."

    Medvedev also said the attackers weren’t radical Islamists ready to die for their faith, as they didn’t display any religious paraphernalia.

    "They are primitive assassins, hired for relatively little money and given some training to use firearms," he wrote.

  2. Зампред Совбеза России Дмитрий Медведев в своем Telegram-канале заявил, что французский президент Эммануэль Макрон и ряд других западных руководителей – спонсоры ужасного теракта в РФ, отметив, что операции французского президента с бандеровским режимом - пособничество трагедии.
    "Пособники: да хоть тот же Макрон. Его риторика, его действия, а главное – его санкции на тайные операции с бандеровским режимом вполне могут быть квалифицированы как пособничество теракту 22 марта... Очевидно, что Макрон и ряд других западных руководителей – спонсоры этого ужасного теракта. Этому нет прощения", - написал он.


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