Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Hezbollah fires Fadi-3 missile in first such case as it shells Israel

Hezbollah said its forces fired a Fadi-3 surface-to-surface missile for the first time on Tuesday as they attacked military sites in northern Israel.

The missile has a range of more than 100 kilometers, the group said in a post on Telegram.

"Resistance forces used a new type of their missiles, the Fadi-3, to deliver a strike at the Shimshon logistics center of the enemy troops," the post said.


  1. The Israeli Air Force made hundreds of sorties to attack Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in the past 24 hours, the IDF press office announced.

    "About 2,000 munitions were fired at 1,500 terrorist infrastructure targets in South Lebanon and deep inside Lebanese territory," the IDF said.

    According to the statement, the strikes were carried out "in order to eliminate threats for Israeli civilians and to weaken the terrorist infrastructure and the Hezbollah potential in Lebanon."

    "The Israeli Air Force jets continue their work, carrying out the strikes even now," the press office said.

  2. On Monday, 492 people were killed in Lebanon and more than 1,600 were injured. The Israeli air force is forcing residents who fled the civil war in Syria 13 years ago to leave their homes. Classes in schools and universities have been suspended, and their buildings have become refugee accommodation centers.

  3. Representatives of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the death of the commander of the Hezbollah missile forces, Ibrahim Al-Qubaisi, as a result of a strike on Beirut. This was reported by the army press service.

    It is clarified that the attack was carried out by Israeli fighters. The target was the southern Beirut neighborhood of Dahiya.

  4. La Resistencia de Líbano bombardeó la base israelí “Dado” con 50 misiles.

  5. Suben a 558 los muertos por los ataques de Israel en el sur del Líbano

  6. Un nuevo flujo de personas que buscan abandonar el Líbano, se dirige desde la mañana del 24 de septiembre hacia la frontera con Siria, informó la emisora de radio siria 'Sham FM', citando a una fuente en el puesto fronterizo Jaydet-Yabus.

    Previamente, el medio reportó que un flujo masivo de personas se dirige hacia la frontera del Líbano con Siria en la zona de la ciudad de El Qoseir.

    "Un gran número de ciudadanos sirios y libaneses se dirigen hacia la frontera siria desde la mañana del martes [24 de septiembre] tras el inicio de la agresión israelí en el sur del Líbano", comunicó la fuente.

  7. UNICEF announced that 35 children were killed in the Israeli air strikes on Lebanon on Monday, which is the highest one since the start of conflict between Hezbollah and the Israeli regime in the last 11 months.

  8. Bei israelischen Luftangriffen auf den Libanon sind am Montag mehr als 490 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Die Hisbollah hat ihrerseits Vergeltungsangriffe auf Israel durchgeführt. Aus Teheran werden Stimmen laut, die Vergeltung fordern. Es stellt sich die Frage, wann ein großer Militärschlag gegen Israel durchgeführt wird.

  9. Hezbollah said it delivered a strike on the headquarters of the Israeli Navy’s Shayetet 13 unit at the Atlit naval base on the Mediterranean coast.

    The attack was carried out with drones, which were able to hit the designated target, the group said on Telegram.


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