Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Putin: the agreement between the Russian Federation and the DPRK (N. Korea) includes mutual assistance in case of aggression

The agreement signed between Russia and the DPRK includes mutual assistance in the event that aggression is shown against one of the parties to the agreement. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this.

    “The comprehensive partnership agreement signed today also provides for the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement,” the head of state emphasized.

According to him, the reason for signing the document was statements from the United States and NATO countries about the supply of long-range weapons for striking the territory of the Russian Federation.

“This is not just a statement, it is already happening,” the Russian leader added.


  1. The United States believes that Kiev can use American weapons to hit Russian troops stationed on Russian territory on the border with Ukraine's Sumy Region, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said.

    "It [the authorization to use US weapons to strike the Russian territory] extends to anywhere that Russian forces are coming across the border from the Russian side to the Ukrainian side to try to take additional Ukrainian territory," he told PBS.

  2. Russia and North Korea have concluded a treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership, signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

    The Russian and North Korean delegations, present at the signing ceremony, greeted the two leaders with applause. Putin and Kim exchanged copies of the document and then left the ceremony together.

    As Russian Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov explained, the new document replaces the 1961 treaty of friendship and mutual assistance, the 2000 treaty on bilateral ties and the 2000 and 2001 Moscow and Pyongyang Declarations. According to Ushakov, the new document is needed because of profound changes in the geopolitical situation in the region and worldwide and in bilateral ties between Russia and North Korea.

  3. Заявления Запада о поставках вооружения для ударов по российской территории являются нарушением взятых на себя западными странами международных обязательств, заявил президент РФ Владимир Путин.
    В этом контексте российский лидер обратил внимание на заявления США и других натовских стран о поставках высокоточных систем вооружений большого радиуса действий, самолетов F16 и другого аналогичного вооружения и техники для нанесения ударов по территории России.
    "Это не только заявление, это уже происходит, и все это грубое нарушение взятых на себя западными странами ограничений в рамках различного рода международных обязательств", - подчеркнул Путин.

  4. Entre los documentos firmados por los mandatarios ruso y norcoreano figuran:

    🔸 El Tratado de Asociación Estratégica Integral, que incluye la asistencia mutua en caso de agresión contra una de las partes.


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