Friday, June 14, 2024

Putin Sets Condition for Ukraine Peace Talks: Full Ukrainian Withdrawal From New Russian Regions

Russia is ready to begin negotiations with Ukraine at any moment, but on one condition, President Vladimir Putin has said.

Russia today presents yet another concrete peace proposal for resolving the conflict in Ukraine. However, if the West and Kiev reject this offer as they have before, the responsibility for continued bloodshed will rest on them, Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated at a meeting with top diplomats at the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow.

"Today, we make another specific, real peace proposal. If Kiev and the Western capitals refuse it, as they have previously, then ultimately, it is their matter. Their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed," he said.

But for this to happen, Ukrainian forces must withdraw from the entire territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
"Ukrainian troops must fully withdraw from Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions – specifically from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders as they existed when they joined Ukraine. Once Kiev announces its readiness for this and begins the actual withdrawal of troops from these regions, as well as formally renounces plans to join NATO, we will immediately cease fire and start negotiations," said the head of state.


  1. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that during talks with one of the Ukraine conflict mediators he did not rule out the option of letting Ukraine have control over the regions of Kherson and Zaporozhye under the condition that Russia preserves a land route to Crimea.

    "In general, I do not rule out keeping Ukraine’s sovereignty over these territories [Kherson and Zaporozhye regions]. However, with a condition that Russia has a cemented land route to Crimea. So Kiev should guarantee a so-called easement — a legally formed access right for Russia to the Crimean peninsula through Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. This is the most important political decision. And, certainly, its final version would not be adopted unilaterally, but only after consultations with the Security Council, other structures," Putin said at a meeting with leaders of the Russian foreign department, describing his answer to the mediator.

    Many politicians in the West offered Moscow their mediation efforts in the Ukraine conflict when Russia took control of parts of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, Putin added.

  2. NATO has sought to turn Ukraine into a staging ground and has done everything it could to pit nation against nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
    “There have been five, now six, rounds of NATO expansion. They tried to turn Ukraine into their staging ground, to make it anti-Russia. To achieve these goals, they invested money, resources, bought politicians and entire parties, rewrote history and educational programs, nurtured and cultivated neo-Nazi and radical groups. They did everything to undermine our state ties, to divide and pit our peoples against each other,” Putin said at a meeting at Russia's Foreign Ministry in Moscow.
    He emphasized that the Ukrainian crisis is not a conflict between two nations but a result of the West’s aggressive policy.

  3. Советник главы офиса президента Украины Михаил Подоляк заявил, что новая мирная инициатива Москвы не содержит «реального мирного предложения». Об этом он написал на своей странице в соцсети Х.

    Подоляк добавил, что предлагаемый российским президентом внеблоковый статус якобы сделает Украину беззащитной.

    Ранее в ходе своего выступления в МИД России президент России предложил Киеву условия решения конфликта. В их числе полный вывод ВСУ из новых регионов России, отказ Киева от вступления в НАТО, нейтральный и безъядерный статус, демилитаризация и денацификация Украины.

  4. В Пентагоне считают, что Путин "не вправе" ставить Украине условия о мире

  5. Столтенберг заявил, что не считает предложение Путина по Украине мирным, а НАТО продолжит оказывать военную поддержку Украине.

  6. "Украинские войска должна быть выведены со всей территории новых российских регионов", - заявил Владимир Путин, говоря об условиях для начала переговоров с Украиной.

  7. Генсек НАТО Йенс Столтенберг заявил, что предложение Путина по урегулированию конфликта на Украине не является мирным, глава Пентагона Ллойд Остин сказал, что Москва не может диктовать Киеву условия достижения мира.

    1. Putin ‘not in position’ to name peace conditions for Ukraine – US defense chief

    2. La OTAN no considera pacífica la propuesta de Putin para poner fin al conflicto en Ucrania — Stoltenberg

  8. Потери Киева за неделю в зоне спецоперации составили до 12 795 военных, следует из сводки Минобороны России.

  9. Ukrainian presidential adviser Podolyak rejects Russian President Putin's peace proposal to Kyiv

  10. Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s aide Mikhail Podoliak has rejected a peace initiative put forward by Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, suggesting it was not “realistic.” Putin has described his proposal as an attempt to end the conflict by initiating a ceasefire and launching bilateral negotiations.

    During a meeting with the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Putin outlined the conditions that should be met in order to immediately halt hostilities and begin peace talks. These include a withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Russia’s new territories, which should be internationally recognized, a promise by Kiev not to join NATO or seek to obtain nuclear weapons, and the lifting of sanctions on Russia.

    Putin emphasized that Moscow is calling for “turning the tragic page of history and gradually restoring relations with Ukraine and Europe.” He warned, however, that if Kiev and the West refuse the proposal, they would be responsible for the continued bloodshed, while the situation on the battlefield will continue to change “not in favor of the Kiev regime.”

    Responding to Putin’s suggestion, Podoliak wrote on X that the Russian president was offering “no real peace proposal” and showing “no desire to end the war.” The Ukrainian aide argued that Putin’s plan boiled down to Kiev giving up its territories and sovereignty and leaving itself “unprotected” by not joining NATO.

    He went on to suggest that Moscow’s plan was a “complete sham” and dismissed it as “highly offensive to international law” and to “common sense,” claiming Russia would continue the conflict in “new formats” if Kiev accepts any of the points of the proposal.

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has also criticized Putin’s proposal, claiming that the request to withdraw Ukraine’s forces from Russia’s new territories was not an indication of good will but of Moscow’s desire to achieve its military goals and “occupy even more Ukrainian territory.”

    Stoltenberg dismissed Putin’s proposal and vowed that NATO members will continue to strengthen their support of Ukraine as command posts in Germany and Eastern European countries will take part in coordinating arms supplies to the country.

    Moscow has blasted the rejection of Putin’s proposal, with Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova stating that Kiev and NATO’s refusal indicates their desire to “rob the Ukrainian people of a chance for peace.”


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