Tuesday, November 18, 2014

NATO Secretary General calls for closer cooperation with the EU

From the Official Website of the NATO,  18 Nov. 2014:
"NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for closer cooperation between NATO and the European Union to address common security challenges the two organisations face, during his first meeting with EU Defence Ministers on Tuesday (18 November 2014).
“The European Union is an essential and strong partner of NATO. We share the same values, we share many common members and we also share common challenges to the East and to the South,” said Mr. Stoltenberg

During the meeting, the Secretary General said NATO and the EU had to deal with threats from wherever they come. He condemned Russia’s continued aggression in Ukraine, saying “Russia is still destabilising Ukraine. We see the movement of troops, of equipment, of tanks, of artillery, and also advanced air defence systems, and this is in violation of the ceasefire agreements.” Mr Stoltenberg called on Russia to take concrete steps toward resolving the crisis. “We call on Russia to pull back its forces from Eastern Ukraine and to respect the Minsk Agreements. Both the EU and NATO strongly want a peaceful solution to the crisis in Ukraine,” he said.
The Secretary General stressed that the EU and NATO are united in their support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, adding that like the EU, NATO supports the full implementation of the Minsk Agreements and the work of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Ukraine. “Especially in times like this, it is important to be coordinated, to work together and to stand together,” said Mr. Stoltenberg."


  1. Stoltenberg accuse la Russie de déstabilisation de la situation en Ukraine ...

    « Nous observons le déplacement des troupes, de l'équipement, des chars, de l'artillerie, des systèmes de défense antimissile », a-t-il déclaré avant une réunion du ministère de la Défense de l'UE, à laquelle il participe.

    La Fédération de Russie a déclaré à maintes reprises qu’elle n’était absolument pas impliquée dans les événements dans le Sud-est de l'Ukraine, n’était pas une partie au conflit, et s’intéressait à ce que l'Ukraine puisse surmonter la crise politique et économique. Le ministère de la Défense de la Russie a qualifié d’accusation gratuite, ainsi que de fait dénoué de fondements la déclaration de l'OTAN sur les militaires qui auraient envahi l'Ukraine depuis le territoire de la Russie.
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_18/Stoltenberg-accuse-la-Russie-de-destabilisation-de-la-situation-en-Ukraine-3170/

  2. Nato sees 'very serious' Russian military Ukraine build-up ...

    Russia has launched a "very serious" military build-up inside Ukraine and on their shared border, deploying troops and sophisticated equipment including air defence systems, Nato head Jens Stoltenberg said.

    Troops, artillery and "very modern" air defence weapons could be seen "both inside of Ukraine and also on the Russian side of the border," Stoltenberg said as he arrived for a meeting with European Union defence ministers.

    "It is a very serious build-up," Stoltenberg said, urging Russia to reverse course and meet its commitments under a September ceasefire and peace plan signed by Kiev and pro-Kremlin rebels...................http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/europe/Nato-sees-very-serious-Russian-military-Ukraine-build-up/articleshow/45192247.cms


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