Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lavrov, Kerry agree to help Ukrainians implement Feb 21 agreement...

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry agreed that Ukraine needs assistance in implementing the February 21 agreement reached by the opposition and the authorities.

“We agreed that we should help Ukraine implement the agreement of February 21,” Lavrov said after a meeting with Kerry in Paris on Wednesday, March 5. 

“We have just held a meeting with John Kerry on the situation in Ukraine and the steps our partners are trying to take through the OSCE, the Russia-NATO Council and other international organisations; steps that do not help create an atmosphere of dialogue. John Kerry agreed that such atmosphere needs to be created. It’s very hard to make honest agreements that will help the Ukrainian people stabilise the situation in an atmosphere of threats and ultimatums,” the minister said.
  • Ukraine - Lavrov refuse de voir son homologue ukrainien, les Américains maintiennent la pression

Le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov a refusé de voir son homologue ukrainien Andrii Dechtchitsa mercredi à Paris, conduisant ce dernier à décider de quitter la France avant de changer d'avis, selon des sources diplomatiques .
En dépit des pressions britannique et américaine, "Sergueï Lavrov a refusé de voir" Andrii Dechtchitsa, a indiqué l'ambassade d'Ukraine à Paris. Ce dernier a alors décidé de quitter la France pour regagner l'Ukraine, mais il y a eu ensuite "un changement de plan", selon la même source. Entre-temps, les Etats-Unis avaient fait savoir que le ministre ukrainien n'avait pas quitté la France. Non prévu à l'origine, Andrii Dechtchitsa était arrivé mardi soir à Paris à l'initiative du secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry.



  1. Referendum on Crimean autonomy status to be held in Crimea on March 16...

    A referendum on the Crimean autonomy status will be held in Crimea on March 16, Deputy Crimean PM said.

    Crimeans to answer two questions during the forthcoming referendum: do they want the autonomous republic to remain within Ukraine or do they want Crimea to join the Russian federation, Deputy Crimean PM added

    Voice of Russia, RIA

  2. Press Availability in Rome, Italy. -John Kerry...

    MS. HARF: Great, thank you. The first question is from Elise Labott of CNN.

    QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. Secretary. You said that the Ukrainian people have the right to determine their own future. Does that include the people of Crimea? Don’t they have the right to determine their own future? Are there any conditions under which the U.S. might accept a referendum as part of the solution?

    And then on your meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov, Minister Fabius said that he’s forming this contact group and that the Russians might agree. Did you talk about this with the minister, and do you see this as a useful mechanism that might happen in the coming days?

    And lastly, I’m wondering if you talked to him about the fact that he told you last week that the exercises that the Russians were doing had nothing to do with Ukraine. We now know that that was a pretext to mask the Russian intervention.

    SECRETARY KERRY: What was the first part of that question? I’m sorry.

    QUESTION: Well, we understand that --

    SECRETARY KERRY: We now know what?

    QUESTION: Well, we know that the – this exercise did have a lot to do with the Ukraine and perhaps it was a pretext for Russia to go into the Crimea. I’m just wondering – you’ve invested a lot in your relationship with Minister Lavrov, and I’m wondering if you feel misled by him at all and whether you spoke with him about that. Thank you.

    SECRETARY KERRY: Well, let me take the first part of that question. Crimea is part of Ukraine. Crimea is Ukraine. And we support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and the Government of Ukraine needs to be involved in any kind of decision with respect to any part of Ukraine. Any referendum on Ukraine is going to have to be absolutely consistent with Ukrainian law. And it’s my understanding that the constitution of Ukraine requires all – requires an all-Ukraine referendum; in other words, every part of Ukraine, all Ukrainians, would have to be part of a referendum with respect to the territory of Ukraine. So therefore, the proposed referendum would violate the constitution of Ukraine and international law and the sovereignty of Ukraine itself.

    QUESTION: But if it was a Ukraine-wide referendum --

    SECRETARY KERRY: If it were – if it adheres to the constitution of Ukraine, it’s up to Ukrainians to define that. It’s not up to the United States or Russia to make that decision. Ukrainians need to live by Ukrainian law and according to the constitution, and their constitution would require precisely what I just said. So that is, I think, critical to anything that would flow.............


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