Monday, February 24, 2014

Moscow Outraged with Bulgaria's Soviet Army Monument Vandalism. -Painted in solidarity with Ukraine.

Russian Foreign Ministry has expressed indignation at another case of vandalism of the Soviet Army monument in Bulgaria's capital city of Sofia.

The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been given a letter of protest demanding "a thorough investigation of the vandal incident, indicting the perpetrators and taking the necessary measures to maintain the monument presentable," ITAR-TASS news agency reports.

On the night of 22 February the Soviet Army monument in Sofia was painted in solidarity with Ukraine.

A Ukrainian flag was drawn on the front façade of the monument, with the message "Glory to Ukraine" written underneath in Ukrainian. Obscene words in reference to the Russian President Vladimir Putin were also written in graffiti.

This is the 3rd time the monument has been painted by unknown perpetrators. On a previous occasion, the act stirred outrage from the Russian Embassy in Sofia.



>>>>Ανησυχεί η ρωσική διπλωματία για τις εξελίξεις στο Κίεβο / Заявление МИД России по событиям на Украине<<<<

  • Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с ситуацией вокруг памятника Советской Армии в Софии.

С чувством глубокого возмущения в России встретили весть об очередном случае вандализма в отношении памятника Советской Армии в центре столицы Болгарии - Софии в ночь с 22 на 23 февраля.
В связи с произошедшим в МИД Болгарии направлена нота протеста с требованием провести тщательное расследование этого хулиганского инцидента, привлечения к ответственности виновных в противоправных действиях и принятия надлежащих мер по приведению мемориала в порядок. Рассчитываем, что официальные власти Болгарии примут все необходимые меры по недопущению глумления над памятью советских воинов, павших во имя освобождения Болгарии и Европы от нацизма.


  1. Ukrainian city demolishes monument to Russian general who beat Napoleon....

    Ukraine’s anti-Russian drive targeting war monuments continues. The latest victim is the Russian army commander who fought against invading Napoleon troops and chased them back to Paris.

    The monument to Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov, who is praised in Russia as one of the best military commanders in the country’s history, was demolished in the city of Brody in Western Ukraine, reports Korrespondent newspaper.

    The bust sculpture was taken off its plinth on Monday by municipal workers with a crane. The plinth was later demolished.

    Local residents cheered the demolition, shouting “Glory to Ukraine, glory to heroes,” the Ukrainian nationalistic slogan which came to national prominence lately due to its use by the Maidan protesters.

    The site where Kutuzov’s monument used to be may eventually host another monument dedicated to those people killed during the protest wave which ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, according to a report.

    The nationalist Svoboda party, which played a key part in the Maidan protest, had been trying to demolish the Kutuzov monument since at least 2008, arguing that he had nothing to do with Ukrainian history.

    Opponents of the initiative said that the military commander’s decisions as head of the Russian army led to Napoleon’s abandoning the idea to retreat from Russia through Kiev, which prevented likely pillaging of what is now Ukraine.

    Prior to the invasion Kutuzov served as the military governor of Kiev and fought against French allies, the Turks. The military campaign led to territorial gains for the Russian Empire and made it impossible for Napoleon to invade the country from the south.

    The eventual fate of the demolished monument is yet to be decided.

    The move comes a day after local activists demolished a war monument in Western Ukraine. The monument to Soviet troops fighting against Nazi Germany was torn down in the town of Stary.

    Ukraine also saw a spree of vandalism against monuments to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, with dozens destroyed throughout the country over the three months of protests.

    1. Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России в связи с демонтажем памятника М.И.Кутузову в Львовской области.....

      В России возмущены продолжающейся на Украине кампанией по сносу памятников. Вчера очередная варварская русофобская акция имела место в Львовской области, где демонтировали памятник русскому полководцу Михаилу Кутузову.

      Мы требуем от новой украинской власти остановить этот беспредел.

  2. Russia Slams Euronews Over Photo of Vandalized WWII Statue....

    MOSCOW, February 25 (RIA Novosti) – Euronews television channel swiftly pulled a picture of a vandalized Soviet-era military memorial from the head of its Facebook page Tuesday in the latest incident to highlight heightened Russian sensitivity over perceived disrespect for World War II monuments.

    The French-based channel, which was set up by the European Broadcasting Union, of which Russia is a member, on Monday posted the Reuters news agency photograph showing a monument of Soviet soldiers in Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia, that had been illegally daubed in yellow and blue paint.

    The vandalistic act appeared to be a tribute to an anti-government uprising that last week led to the toppling of the Moscow-friendly president in Ukraine, whose national flag is composed of those colors.

    Euronews’ decision to make the photograph of the painted soldier its Facebook cover photo drew swift criticism from Russia’s Foreign Ministry, which had already appealed to Bulgarian authorities to investigate the attack on the statue.

    A Foreign Ministry statement said Euronews had “crossed a line” by using the picture.

    After hastily changing the cover photo, Euronews said in a statement that the image “was in no way an expression of support for one side or another in Ukraine, not to mention an act of vandalism.”

    The photograph simply reflected current events in the world, the channel said.......

  3. Russian flag removed from near Kharkiv city administration in Ukraine...There have been no clashed during the removal of a Russian flag from the flagstaff near a government building in Ukraine's Kharkiv....

    There have been no clashed during the removal of a Russian flag from the flagstaff near the building of the municipal council in Kharkiv. Activists who were guarding the flag were persuaded by the authorities not to insist on the flag remaining there, Itar-Tas reports.

    The flag of the city was then installed in its place.

    No more than ten activists and passers-by remained near the building. Several police are guarding it.

    Earlier in the day, a group of activists formed a ring around a flagstaff near the building, from which a Russian flag was flying. A flag of the European Union was earlier flying there, but during a meeting of the municipal council unidentified persons changed the European flag for the Russian.

    Kharkov Mayor Gennady Kernes during the meeting ordered police to remove the Russian flag and then walked out into the street and tried to persuade those who gathered for a rally to remove the Russian flag.

    He promised later that there would only be two flags, of Ukraine and of Kharkov, near the building of the municipal council and described the activists’ move as a “provocation” aimed at the “escalation of tension.

  4. Clashes in Ukraine: historical statues destroyed while Nazi symbols remain....

    Straight after violent clashes in Ukraine, finally it seems that the country is on a better path. After months of struggle, it can be seen that the symbols of victories have been torn down while Nazi symbols are being put up.

    It all began with just a couple of Lenin statues that were brought down by the protestors all across the country. The crowd cheered and supported the move, happy leaving Communist part in the past. And while the whole world was paying attention on the events taking place on Independent Square in Kiev, heavy machinery destroyed one of the monuments in Dniprodzerzhynsk. Soon after that, the statue of the 'Soviet Soldier' in Stryi, in the Lvov Region was demolished. And though this is the place of remembrance of thousands of soldiers who died defending their country and bears nothing from the political past, the statue was also eliminated.

    The whole monument consisted of Eternal Flame, WWII engravings with Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov on top, who is a famous military commander fighting against Napoleon..................

  5. Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России по ситуации на Украине....

    На Украине продолжают осквернять памятники истории. Теперь дело дошло до глумления над памятью воинов - освободителей Украины.

    В Сумах устроили мусорную свалку у Вечного огня, зажженного на Мемориале в память о героях Великой Отечественной войны. И это - в год 70-летия освобождения Украины.

  6. Ukraine: un monument aux soldats soviétiques profané à Soumy....

    Un mémorial aux héros de la Grande Guerre patriotique contre les nazis de 1941-1945 a été profané dans la ville ukrainienne de Soumy (nord-est), a annoncé jeudi le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.

    "La profanation des monuments historiques continue en Ukraine. On est allé même jusqu'à souiller la mémoire des soldats libérateurs de l'Ukraine. A Soumy, une décharge publique a été organisée près de la Flamme éternelle qui brûle devant le Monument aux héros de la Grande Guerre patriotique. Et cela arrive pendant l'année du 70e anniversaire de la libération de l'Ukraine", a indiqué le ministère dans un communiqué.

    Les cas de profanation de monuments à Vladimir Lénine et à d'autres dirigeants communistes se sont multipliés en Ukraine depuis le début de la crise politique il y a trois mois. L'incident le plus retentissant de ce type s'est produit le 1er décembre 2013, lorsque des radicaux déboulonné une statue de Lénine dans le centre de Kiev...............................


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