Thursday, July 18, 2024

Israel lawmakers vote to oppose Palestinian state

The Israeli parliament voted Thursday to oppose a Palestinian state as an “existential threat,” a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told lawmakers the army had Hamas “by the throat.”

The vote, which drew swift criticism from the Palestinian leadership and the international community, is largely symbolic but laid down a marker ahead of a planned address by Netanyahu to the US Congress next Wednesday.

 "The Knesset of Israel firmly opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan River. The creation of a Palestinian state in the heart of Israel would pose an existential threat to the State of Israel and its citizens, perpetuate the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and destabilize the region. It would only be a matter of time before Hamas takes over the Palestinian state and transforms it into a radical Islamic terror base, operating in coordination with the Iran-led axis, to destroy the State of Israel," the text of the resolution read.


  1. Le Parlement israélien a adopté dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi une résolution s'opposant à "la création d'un État palestinien", à quelques jours d'une visite du Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à Washington.

  2. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is disappointed by an Israeli parliament vote against the creation of a Palestinian state, his spokesman said Thursday.

    “You can’t vote away the two-state solution so the secretary-general is very disappointed by the decision of the Knesset,” said spokesman Stephane Dujarric, calling such an blueprint the only viable path to sustainable peace between Israel and the Palestinians.


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