Thursday, April 18, 2024

Burkina Faso Expels Three French Diplomats For subversive Activities

Burkina Faso has expelled three French diplomats for "subversive activities", according to a foreign ministry note seen by AFP on Thursday.

The three were declared "persona non grata" and told to leave the country in 48 hours, the foreign ministry said in a note dated Tuesday that was sent to the French embassy.

Since coming to power in a September 2022 coup, the junta has distanced the West African nation from France, which ruled the country until 1960. It has cancelled a 1961 military accord between the two countries and the French ambassador was withdrawn after the coup.

1 comment :

  1. Trois diplomates français, dont deux conseillers politiques à l'ambassade de France à Ouagadougou, ont été déclarés "persona non grata" pour "activités subversives" et priés de quitter le Burkina Faso, selon le ministère burkinabè des Affaires étrangères.
    Ces trois diplomates "sont déclarés persona non grata sur le territoire du Burkina Faso, pour activités subversives", écrit le ministère dans une note adressée à l'ambassade de France à Ouagadougou dont l'AFP a obtenu copie jeudi.
    Ils "sont priés de quitter" le Burkina Faso "dans les prochaines 48 heures", précise la note datée de mardi.


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