Saturday, November 14, 2015

Syria’s Assad Condemns Paris Terrorist Attacks: Similar to Syrians Sufferings

Syrian President Bashar Assad condemned Friday's attacks in Paris and said that such acts of terror were similar to what the Syrian people had faced in years of violent war imposed on them.

“What France suffered from savage terror is what the Syrian people have been enduring for over five years,” the Syrian President was quoted as saying on state media.

Assad received on Saturday a French delegation, including a number of parliamentarians, intellectuals, and media men, headed by member of the French National Assembly Thierry Mariani, SANA reported.

At least 127 people were killed in a deadly rampage where gunmen and bombers attacked restaurants, a concert hall and a sports stadium at locations across Paris Friday. ISIL claimed responsibility of the attack in a video it released later.



  1. Hollande says Paris attacks an ‘act of war’ by IS group...

    Speaking in a televised address to the nation on Saturday, French President François Hollande accused the Islamic State (IS) group of conducting a series of attacks in and around Paris late Friday that left at least 127 people dead.

    Speaking from the Elysée presidential palace the morning after France saw its worst day of violence since World War II, Hollande said the attacks were “an act of war" committed by the Islamic State group’s "terrorist army”.

    The French president said the atrocities were, “against France, against the values that we defend everywhere in the world, against what we are: A free country that means something to the whole planet."

    France, he added, "will be triumph over the barbarism” of the IS militant group and “will act by all means anywhere, inside or outside the country".

    Hollande declared three days of national mourning in the wake of the attacks....

  2. Anschlage in Paris: Zwei Terroristen identifiziert - ein Syrer und ein Franzose...

    Mindestens zwei von sieben getöteten Terroristen sind identifiziert worden, berichtet der Sender Europe1 via Twitter. Es handle sich um einen Syrer und einen Franzosen.

    Zuvor war bekannt gegeben worden, dass bei einem getöteten Terroristen ein syrischer Pass entdeckt wurde. Derzeit wird das Dokument auf Echtheit geprüft..........Weiterlesen:

  3. Bavaria's state premier Horst Seehofer said Saturday that there was "reason to believe" that a man arrested last week with several weapons in southern Germany was linked to attackers who killed more than 128 people in Paris....

    "There is reason to believe that this is possibly linked" to the attacks, Seehofer told a party conference.

    Police had confirmed the arrest on November 5 during a routine check on a motorway, saying "many machine guns, revolvers and explosives" were found in the suspect's vehicle.

    However, the police spokesman would not confirm the link with Friday's attacks in Paris..............

  4. Jihadismus-Experte rechnet mit weiteren Anschlägen ...

    Die Anschläge in Paris sind für den Politikwissenschafter Thomas Schmidinger nicht überraschend gekommen. Zugleich geht der Jihadismus-Experte, dessen Forschungsschwerpunkte im Bereich Naher Osten und politischer Islam liegen, davon aus, "dass es nicht die letzten terroristischen Akte des Islamischen Staats (IS) in Europa gewesen sein werden", wie Schmidinger am Samstag im Gespräch mit der APA sagte.

    "Ich rechne damit, dass wieder größere Anschläge passieren werden", meinte der Politologe. Man stehe "am Beginn eines wahrscheinlich langen Krieges", der für den Westen nur zu gewinnen sei, wenn der IS mit massiver militärischer Präsenz - sprich: der Entsendung von Bodentruppen - in die Knie gezwungen wird und in den Krisengebieten politische Lösungen gefunden werden. Eine umfassende Wiederaufbauhilfe für Syrien sei oberstes Gebot.................

  5. Islamic State says France remains top target...

    Islamic State claimed responsibility on Saturday for attacks that killed 127 people in Paris, saying it sent militants strapped with suicide bombing belts and carrying machine guns to various locations in the heart of the capital.

    The attacks, described by France's president as an act of war, were designed to show the country would remain in danger as long as it continued its current policies, Islamic State said in a statement.

    "To teach France, and all nations following its path, that they will remain at the top of Islamic State’s list of targets, and that the smell of death won’t leave their noses as long as they partake in their crusader campaign," said the group.

    French President Francois Hollande said the violence was organized from abroad by Islamic State with internal help.

    "Faced with war, the country must take appropriate action," he said, without saying what that meant.........

  6. "La France et les Français ne sont plus en sécurité"...

    La présidente du Front national Marine Le Pen a assuré samedi que "la France et les Français ne sont plus en sécurité", après les attentats ayant frappé Paris vendredi soir et ayant fait au moins 128 morts.

    La France et les Français ne sont plus en sécurité, mon devoir est de vous le dire. Et des mesures d'urgence s'imposent", a dit Mme Le Pen, qui s'exprimait depuis le siège de son parti à Nanterre.

    "La France doit enfin déterminer quels sont ses alliés et quels sont ses ennemis. Ses ennemis, ce sont ces pays qui entretiennent des relations bienveillantes avec l'islamisme radical, ce sont aussi ces pays qui ont une attitude ambigüe avec les entreprises terroristes. Tous ceux qui les combattent sont des alliés de la France et doivent être traités comme tels",

    cite l'AFP reprenant les propos de Mme Le Pen.

    "Le président de la République a annoncé l'état d'urgence et le contrôle temporaire aux frontières, c'est bien", a-t-elle salué, appelant à ce que le fondamentalisme islamiste soit anéanti.............

  7. Poland says cannot accept migrants under EU quotas after Paris attacks...

    Poland cannot accept migrants under European Union (EU) quotas after Friday's attacks in Paris, Poland's European affairs minister designate Konrad Szymanski said on Saturday.

    In a commentary published in the right-leaning news portal, Szymanski said his incoming government did not agree with Poland's commitment to accept its share of an EU-wide relocation of immigrants, and now, "in the face of the tragic acts in Paris, we do not see the political possibilities to implement (this)."

    Szymanski will take up his position on Monday as part of a government formed by the last month's election winner, the conservative and eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party.

  8. EU-Parlamentspräsident Schulz zu Paris-Anschlägen: Terror - "in Aleppo ist das Alltag" ...

    EU-Parlamentspräsident Schulz hat eindringlich davor gewarnt, mit einer verschärften Flüchtlingspolitik auf die Anschläge von Paris zu reagieren. Dies würde die Opfer zu Tätern machen. "Das, was wir in Paris erlebt haben, ist in Aleppo Alltag", sagte er in der tagesschau..........


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