Friday, October 30, 2015

Turkey Vows Its Support for the Liberation of ‘Azerbaijani Territories’

BAKU (AZERNEWS)—Chief of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces, Army General Hulusi Akar, has said that Turkey will do its utmost for the “liberation” of “occupied Azerbaijani territories,” local media reported on October 30.

Akar emphasized that Turkey and Azerbaijan are one nation and two states.

“Everything will be good. Be sure of that. Turkey will do its utmost,” Akar said, commenting on a question on joint steps by Turkey and Azerbaijan for the liberation of Azerbaijani territory from Armenian “occupation.”

Ankara has previously stated its demand for Armenia to immediately and unconditionally leave the region in view of restoring Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity and internationally recognized borders. For that reason, the two countries regularly hold joint military exercises and strengthen their armed forces.

Commenting on Akar’s remarks, Azerbaijan said that the military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey is aimed at liberating Azerbaijan’s occupied territories.

The Azerbaijani defense ministry told Trend News that such support comes from strong friendship and fraternal relations, as well as the traditional spirit of solidarity between the two countries that rely on their shared historical and moral values.

“Azerbaijani national leader Heydar Aliyev’s famous slogan, ‘One nation, two states,’ signifies a national conception characterizing Azerbaijan-Turkey relations, and it’s also indicative of the high-level bonds between the two countries in the political, economic, humanitarian, and military areas,” the ministry said.

The defense ministry noted that under the bilateral action plan that is signed annually between the military authorities of Azerbaijan and Turkey with the support of Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, live fire drills carried out by the ground forces, air forces, and other types of troops, mutual visits of high-ranking military representatives as well as further expansion of cooperation in the military, military education and military technical areas, are taking places systematically.

It went on to add that high-level dialogue between the militaries of Azerbaijan and Turkey is held in order to coordinate strategic military opportunities.

“The soldiers and armies of both countries have supported each other in hard times and established justice after destroying the enemy by force of arms. As our ancestors gained victory over the enemy, our armed forces decently continue this honorable duty. The expansion of military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey is aimed at liberating Azerbaijan’s occupied territories and ensuring stability and peace in the region,” the ministry underlined.

Military cooperation between the two states dates back to 1992 when they signed an agreement on military education. Since then, the Azerbaijani and Turkish governments have been closely cooperating in both defense and security.

In December 2010, both countries signed a range of treaties provisioning for military assistance should either of them be attacked by a third party. Based on numerous agreements on joint military exercises as part of bilateral efforts towards military cooperation, the Azerbaijani and Turkish armed forces hold regular drills, featuring various tactical and combat tasks.

The joint tactical exercises entitled “TurAz Qartali-2015″ of the Azerbaijani and Turkish Armies were held in Azerbaijan in September. The exercises, which were conducted as part of an annual joint military plan, lasted until September 18.


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