Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lavrov, Kerry to hold Syria talks Oct 23 with Saudi, Turkish counterparts (Moscow)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry will meet on Oct. 23 in Vienna to discuss the Syrian conflict together with their counterparts from Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Moscow said on Oct. 21.

Russia's foreign ministry made the announcement after a phone call between Lavrov and Kerry and following the surprise visit by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Moscow on Oct. 20.

"The main focus was the situation in Syria in the context of preparations for the meeting between the (Russian) minister and Secretary of State in Vienna on October 23 where they will be joined by Saudi and Turkish foreign ministers," the ministry said in a statement.

Moscow also said that Lavrov proposed that a meeting of the "Quartet" of Middle East peace mediators -- Russia, the United States, the European Union and United Nations -- be held the same day, given the "extremely tense situation" in the Middle East.

More than 40 Palestinians have been killed in an upsurge in violence that began at the start of the month, including a number of alleged attackers. Eight Israelis have died.

Violent protests have also erupted in annexed east Jerusalem, the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The attacks and unrest have raised fears of a third, full-scale Palestinian uprising.



1 comment :

  1. Saudi says Assad must be removed from power to crush Islamic State...

    Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said on Thursday that to eliminate militant group Islamic State, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must be removed from power.

    Jubeir also said that Assad was the magnet "that attracted foreign fighters from all over the world to fight on the side of Daesh (Islamic State) against Assad's regime," he told Al Arabiya al-Hadath television channel in Vienna, after talks with Austria's foreign minister.......REUTERS


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