Monday, March 3, 2014

US preparing sanctions against Russia over Ukraine crisis. - State Department / China understands Russian position on Ukraine crisis. - Moscow

The United States has a broad range of options available to it to act against Russia if tensions over Ukraine escalate and Washington is currently preparing sanctions against Moscow, a State Department spokeswoman said on Monday.
"At this point we are not just considering sanctions given the actions Russia is taking, it is likely we will put those in place and we are preparing that," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters on a conference call. "We have a broad range of options available."

If reports that Russia has threatened to use force against the Ukrainian military are true, it would be a dangerous escalation of the situation in Ukraine, the US State Department said.

"These reports today of threats of force against Ukrainian military installations would, if true, in our view constitute a dangerous escalation of the situation for which we would hold Russia directly responsible," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters in a conference call.

Voice of Russia, BBC, Reuters
  • China understands Russian position on Ukraine crisis - Moscow
Beijing expressed understanding of Moscow's analysis of the roots of the current Ukrainian crisis and external forces' role in it in talks between China's Deputy Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping and his Russian counterpart Grigory Karasin.
"The Chinese side expressed understanding of Russia's analysis of the roots of the deep political crisis in Ukraine and the role external forces supporting the Maidan played in it, and of the nonimplementation by the Miadan of the February 21 accords on ways to settle the crisis," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"Karasin and Cheng underscored the necessity to continue the search for a settlement in Ukraine with broad participation of Ukrainian political forces, taking the interests of all regions into account. An agreement was reached to continue information exchanges on further developments in Ukraine," it said.

Voice of Russia, Interfax

1 comment :

  1. О консультациях статс-секретаря–заместителя Министра иностранных дел России Г.Б.Карасина с заместителем Министра иностранных дел КНР Чэн Гопином....

    3 марта в Москве состоялись консультации статс-секретаря–заместителя Министра иностранных дел Российской Федерации Г.Б.Карасина с заместителем Министра иностранных дел КНР Чэн Гопином.

    В центре внимания были вопросы развития отношений России и Китая со странами-членами СНГ. Особо рассматривались события на Украине.

    Китайская сторона выразила понимание представленного Россией анализа причин глубокого внутриполитического кризиса на Украине, той роли, которую в этом сыграли действия внешних сил по поддержке «евромайдана», а также последствий фактического срыва им выполнения договоренностей по Соглашению об урегулировании кризиса на Украине от 21 февраля с.г.

    Г.Б.Карасиным и Чэн Гопином подчеркнута необходимость продолжения поиска путей разрешения ситуации на Украине с широким участием политических сил страны и на основе учета интересов всех ее регионов.

    Было условлено продолжить обмен информацией о дальнейшем развитии событий на Украине.


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