Saturday, March 29, 2014

Turkey begins espionage investigation after Syria leak

ANKARA - Turkey has started an espionage investigation after a discussion between top officials on potential military action in Syria was leaked on YouTube, heralding a possible government crackdown on its political opponents after elections on Sunday.
The recording of the meeting between Turkey's intelligence chief, foreign minister and deputy head of the military was by far the most serious breach in weeks of highly sensitive leaks, a scandal which Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has cast as a plot to sabotage the state and topple him.

Erdogan and his aides have blamed the Hizmet movement of US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, a former ally whose followers have influence in the police and judiciary, of running a "dirty campaign" of espionage to implicate him in corruption ahead of crucial nationwide municipal elections on Sunday.

"Tomorrow we will teach those liars and slanderers a lesson," Erdogan told a jubilant crowd of supporters in Istanbul's working class Kartal district on Saturday, vowing his ruling AK Party would triumph at the polls.

  • Gulen has vociferously denied orchestrating the leak scandal, but those close to his network have said they fear a heavy crackdown once the local elections have passed.

Police overnight briefly detained Onder Aytac, a prominent writer and journalist known to be close to the Hizmet movement, on suspicion of having information about the bugging of the foreign ministry meeting, the Hurriyet newspaper said.



  1. Turkish journalist detained over leak of key Syria meeting...

    A journalist was detained over allegations that he migh have had information in prior to the audio recording and posting online of an alleged conversation between some state officials about a possible incursion into Syria.

    Investigative journalist Önder Aytaç, a former official in Police Academy, has been detained late Friday over allegations that he might had information about the bugging of the top secret meeting in which high-level officials were discussing options regarding Syria.

    In the leaked audio, the voices of purportedly Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioğlu, National Intelligence Organization (MİT) head Hakan Fidan and Deputy Chief of General Staff Gen. Yaşar Güler are heard when discussing whether or not Turkey should conduct a military incursion into Syria ahead of Sunday's local elections.

    Today's Zaman could not independently verify the authenticity of the audio nor could it determine when and how it was recorded. But news sources said the conversation was recorded at Davutoğlu's office at the Foreign Ministry on March 13...............

  2. Türkische Angriffspläne: Deutsche Politiker fordern Konsequenzen...

    Die türkische Regierung erwog, Syrien militärisch zu provozieren. An der Grenze zwischen den beiden Staaten sind deutsche Soldaten zum Schutz der Türkei stationiert. Das sei „vollkommen absurd“, sagen nun deutsche Politiker.

    Erwägungen der türkischen Regierung, eine militärische Provokation zu fingieren und dann einen Angriff auf syrischem Territorium zu unternehmen sind von deutschen Politikern scharf kritisiert worden. „Die Nato soll diesen Vorgang aufklären. Ich erwarte außerdem, dass sich Erdogan deutlich von den Kriegsplanungen distanziert“, sagte Rainer Arnold, verteidigungspolitischer Sprecher der SPD-Fraktion sagte der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung.....................


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