Saturday, March 1, 2014

Parliament Approves Putin Request for Military Action in Ukraine / video: Валентина Матвиенко - пресс-конференция

The Committee on International Relations of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russian parliament, on Saturday, March 1, supported President Vladimir Putin’s appeal regarding the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine pending normalisation of the situation in the neighbouring country.
The Federation Council Committee on Security also supported the president’s appeal. Both committees advised the upper house to uphold it, Security Committee Chair Viktor Ozerov and International Relation Committee Chair Vladimir Dzhabarov said.
The Federation Council was summoned for an urgent meeting on Saturday to discuss Putin’s letter.

“In connection with the extraordinary situation in Ukraine, the threat to the lives of citizens of the Russian Federation, our compatriots, the personnel of the military contingent of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deployed in the territory of Ukraine (Autonomous Republic of Crimea) in accordance with an international treaty, and pursuant to Article 102-1(d) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, I hereby submit to the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation a letter on the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the territory of Ukraine pending normalisation of the social and political situation in that country,” the president said in his letter to the Federation Council.

  • Валентина Матвиенко - пресс-конференция по итогам экстренного заседания Совета Федерации

Earlier in the day, the Federation Council asked Putin to take “exhaustive measures” to protect Russians in Ukraine.
“We have urgently summoned the house Council and thought it necessary to make a statement assessing the current situation in Ukraine,” Federation Council Chairperson Valentina Matviyenko said.
“Today there is a real threat to the life and security of Russian citizens living in Ukraine. There is a threat to our military in Sevastopol and the Black Sea Fleet, and I think that Russia should not be a bystander,” she said.
The main purpose of the Federation Council’s appeal to the president is to urge him “to take exhaustive measures, all possible measures, to ensure the security of our citizens living in Ukraine, help our brotherly Ukrainian people achieve stabilisation and channel the current crisis into a civilised legal track so that the agreements that were signed by the opposition leaders and the head of state were implemented strictly,” Matviyenko said.
She noted that members of the Federation Council “asked the president to take exhaustive measures to prevent further escalation and put the resolution of the political crisis onto a legal track so that those who have grabbed power did not hurry so much and did not trample upon the rights of people and different regions of Ukraine.”
In accordance with Article 102-1(d) of the Russian Constitution, issues concerning the use of the Russian Armed Forces outside the country fall under the jurisdiction of the Federation Council, which considers them following the relevant request from the president.
The Federation Council debates such issues after studying the president’s request which should contain sound reasons for his proposal.
The Federation Council chair then sends the request to the upper house’s committee on defence and security and committee on international relations, which prepare their conclusions.
After that the Federation Council studies the possibility of using the Russian Armed Forces outside the country at its nearest sitting after receipt of the president’s request. The president and the prime minister are invited to attend the sitting which begins with a report delivered by the president himself or his representative, followed by the reading of the conclusions made by the Federation Council committees on defence and security and on international relations.
A decision allowing the use of the Russian Armed Forces outside the country is to be adopted by a majority of Federation Council members and is then formalised in a resolution of the upper house. The document is forwarded to the president within two days of its adoption.

  • Federation Council committees support Putin’s letter on use of army in Ukraine

MOSCOW, March 1 (RIA Novosti) – Russia’s upper house of parliament on Saturday approved a request from President Vladimir Putin to use armed force in Ukraine.
Putin made the request because of what he said was a threat to the lives of Russian citizens and military forces located in naval bases in Crimea.
The Federation Council voted unanimously in support of military action.
The move comes after reports of large Russian troop movements in the southern Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, and a week after the opposition swept to power in Kiev when ousted President Viktor Yanukovych suddenly left the city. 
Russian troops will remain deployed until the “political-social situation in the country is normalized,” the Kremlin said in a statement requesting the intervention.
Senators in the Federation Council lined up during an extraordinary session Saturday afternoon to express their support for armed intervention.
Lawmakers accused the United States and European countries of open support for violent protesters in Ukraine.
The decision follows a wave of pro-Russian protests in southern and eastern Ukraine, as well as calls from the newly elected prime minister of Crimea for Putin to intervene.
The ratcheting up of Russian rhetoric over Ukraine and widespread reports of the presence of Russian troops already maneuvering on Ukrainian soil has provoked outrage in Kiev and condemnation from world leaders.
US President Barack Obama said Friday that he was deeply concerned about Russian troop movements inside Ukraine, and warned that violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty would be deeply destabilizing.
Officials from the interim Ukrainian government have said Russia is trying to provoke conflict, and have called on the Kremlin to withdraw all soldiers back to Russian naval bases on the Black Sea coast.


  1. Russian senators approve use of military forces on Ukrainian territory....

    Russia’s Federation Council has unanimously approved President Vladimir Putin’s request to use Russian military forces in Ukraine. The move is aimed to settle the turmoil in the split country.

    The upper house of the Russian parliament has voted in favor of sending troops to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which would ensure peace and order in the region "until the socio-political situation in the country is stabilized."

    Russian Federation Council's Committee on Foreign Affairs recommends senators to permit use of force in Ukraine

    The Committee on International Relations of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russian parliament, on Saturday, March 1, supported President Vladimir Putin’s appeal regarding the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine pending normalisation of the situation in the neighbouring country.

    The Federation Council Committee on Security also supported the president’s appeal. Both committees advised the upper house to uphold it, Security Committee Chair Viktor Ozerov and International Relation Committee Chair Vladimir Dzhabarov said.

    The Federation Council was summoned for an urgent meeting on Saturday to discuss Putin’s letter.......................

  2. Calls in Kiev to ‘regain nuclear status in six months’....

    Unable to resolve tensions with the largely pro-Russian autonomous region of Crimea, Kiev is bombarding Moscow with accusations and warnings. Some politicians have even threatened to restock Ukraine’s nuclear arsenal.

    Facts you need to know about Crimea and why it is in turmoil.

    Throughout Friday, Russian diplomats and the military had to refute media speculation and explain that the armed people at the Crimean airports in Simferopol and Sevastopol weren’t Russian troops.

    “There are no troops whatsoever. No Russian troops, at least… Some civilians claiming to be representing groups of ‘self-defense of Crimea’ arrived at Simferopol airport overnight, but they retreated and nothing happened,” Russian ambassador to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov, told Euronews..................

  3. Russia intends to disrupt the holiday season in Crimea to help Sochi - Yatsenyuk....

    Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine Yatsenyuk accused Russia of trying to disrupt the tourist season in the Crimea. According to the politician, in this way the Russian authorities are trying to make profit for the renewed resort city of Sochi.

    "One of the intentions of the Russian government is to deprive Crimean residents of jobs and wages, to undermine the reputation of the Crimea, to disrupt the holiday season, so that not a single Russian, European, or Belarus citizen went there. This was the case in Abkhazia six years ago, when the area was empty, and nobody traveled there," Yatseniuk said during Saturday's meeting of the Cabinet.

    Voice of Russia, TASS

  4. FC deputy speaker: Obama’s statement ‘insults Russian people’....

    By saying that Russia would face “costs” for its policy with regard to Ukraine, U.S. President Barack Obama “crossed the red line and insulted the Russian people,” Yuri Vorobyov, Deputy Chair of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russian parliament, said on Saturday, March 1.

    “The foreign policy situation in Ukraine requires us to make decisions. The president’s appeal requires us to adopt the relevant resolution,” he said at an urgent meeting of the Federation Council convened to consider President Vladimir Putin’s request for the use of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine pending normalisation of the situation in that country.

    “We heard media reports yesterday quoting Obama as saying that Russia would face ‘costs’ for its policy. We know that Maidan fighters were trained in Lithuania and Poland. Now they want to take their activities to eastern regions of Ukraine and Crimea,” Vorobyov said.

    He described Obama’s words as “a direct threat”: “he crossed the ‘red line’ and insulted the Russian people.” “I think we should ask the president and recall [the Russian ambassador from the U.S.],” Vorobyov noted.

    He was supported by Federation Council member Vyacheslav Shtyrov, who believes that “events occurring in Ukraine are the upshot of the extensive work that was done with the participation of foreign countries. The U.S. played a major role,” he said.

    Shtyrov noted that U.S. officials were openly saying that they had invested a lot of money in order to create this situation. “On the other hand, Russia has always adhered to a reserved and balanced position, and our president was even reproached for non-interfering in the situation in Ukraine. Now Russia is facing accusations and threats,” Shtyrov said.

    “I support Yuri Vorobyov. We must appeal to the president of Russia with the recommendation he mentioned [that the Russian ambassador be recalled from the U.S.],” he added.

    Valentina Matviyenko, Chairperson of the Federation Council, has instructed the Committee on International Relations to draw up an appeal to Putin for recalling the Russian ambassador from the United States.

    “There is the proposal to instruct the Committee on International Relations to prepare an appeal to the President of Russia without delay and send it to the president. The president will consider it and make the decision,” Matviyenko said.

  5. The UK’s Foreign Office has summoned Russian Ambassador to Britain to register deep concerns, Foreign Secretary William Hague tweeted. ......

  6. No decision yet by Putin to send troops to Ukraine....

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet taken a decision on sending troops to Ukraine, despite winning approval from the Russian upper house of parliament for such a move, Agence France Presse reported the Kremlin as saying Saturday.

    “This is the point of view of the Federation Council (upper house). It is the president who takes the decision. For the moment, this decision has not been taken,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the RIA Novosti news agency.

    Putin earned the approval after the Federation Council began debating the request.

    The extraordinary session began with a speech by Putin’s envoy Grigory Karasin on the need to approve the request, which was also backed by the heads of the Federation Council’s defense and foreign affairs committees.

    Unlike most legislation in Russia, the use of armed forces abroad only requires the approval of the rubber-stamp Federation Council without any need for a preliminary approval from the State Duma lower house.

    Putin on Saturday submitted his request to the upper house of parliament.

    Meanwhile, Karasin said the approval doesn’t mean that Russia will send troops to Ukraine quickly..............

  7. Timoshenko to travel to Russia March 3 to discuss settlement in Crimea....

    Former Ukrainian Prime Minister and Batkivshchina (Fatherland) party leader Yulia Timoshenko will travel to Moscow on March 3 for talks on the settlement of the crisis in Crimea (autonomy within Ukraine), the Ukrainian news agency UNN said on Saturday, March 1, citing Pavel Nuss, chair of the Civil Committee for National Salvation.

    He said the decision had been made by Timoshenko personally.

    “If the information on Timoshenko’s visit is confirmed, we must demand that the talks be held publicly and directed by international mediators in order to rule out behind-the-scenes agreements,” Nuss said.................

  8. Бойцов "Беркута", получивших гражданство РФ, возьмут на службу в московскую полицию...

    Ранее генконсульство РФ в Симферополе выдало первые российские паспорта сотрудникам спецподразделения

    МОСКВА, 1 марта. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Московская полиция готова сформировать батальон из бойцов "Беркута", получивших гражданство РФ, сообщает ГУ МВД по Москве.

    "Центр специального назначения московской полиции готов сформировать такой батальон из бойцов "Беркута", оформивших российское гражданство и желающих служить в МВД России", - говорится в сообщении.

    В московской полиции уточнили, что "в случае поступления на службу в ЦСН ГУ МВД России по Москве сотрудникам "Беркута" будут предоставлены места в служебном общежитии".

    Ранее в пресс-центре МВД России сообщили, что региональные подразделения министерства готовы принять на службу лиц, покинувших территорию Украины, в том числе проходивших службу в украинской милиции...................

  9. Ukraine nationalist leader calls on 'most wanted' terrorist Umarov 'to act against Russia'....

    A leader of the Ukrainian radical group Pravy Sektor (Right Sector), Dmitry Yarosh, has called on Russia’s most wanted terrorist Doku Umarov to act against Russia in an address posted on Right Sector’s page in VKontakte social network.

    The statement points out that “many Ukrainians with arms in the hands” supported Chechen militants in their fight against Russians and “it is time to support Ukraine now.”

    The message, signed “leader of Right Sector Dmitry Yarosh” then calls on Umarov “to activate his fight” and “take a unique chance to win” over Russia. .................

    1. В МИД РФ прокомментировали призыв Яроша к Умарову поддержать антироссийские силы Украины....

      В МИД РФ прокомментировали призыв лидера "Правого сектора" Дмитрия Яроша к лидеру чеченских сепаратистов Доку Умарову с оружием в руках поддержать антироссийские силы Украины.

      "Украинский неофашист Ярош призвал на помощь террориста Умарова", - написал Уполномоченный МИД РФ по вопросам прав человека, демократии и верховенства права Константин Долгов в микроблоге в Twitter.

  10. Мэр Харькова сообщил, что к городу направляются радикалы на автобусах...

    ХАРЬКОВ, 1 марта. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Радикалы на автобусах движутся к Харькову, где активисты "правого сектора" были "выбиты" из здания областной администрации.

    "У нас есть информация об автобусах с экстремистами", - сообщил на митинге на площади Свободы мэр города Геннадий Кернес.

    Он "потребовал от правоохранительных органов сделать все возможное, чтобы не допустить никаких бендеровцев в наш город". Кернес также сообщил, что "среди нас есть "Беркут". Эта новость была встречена овацией митингующих, которых насчитывается сейчас не менее тысячи человек.

    Харьковчане организовывают "дружины самообороны", которые патрулируют город. Каждая группа насчитывает по 30-50 человек.

  11. Clash Breaks Out at Pro-Russian Rally in East Ukraine...

    MOSCOW, March 1 (RIA Novosti) – Clashes broke out Saturday during at least one of a series of pro-Russian demonstrations across eastern Ukraine, where resistance remains strong against the interim government that has taken hold in the capital, Kiev.

    Crowds at the rallies called for intervention from Russia, whose parliament has already given the go-ahead for possible armed intervention in Ukraine.

    Attendance at a rally in Kharkhiv, a city of 1.5 million people, was estimtated by Russian state television at about 10,000. More than 100 people were injured at that gathering as protesters overcame resistance from pro-government activists to storm the regional administration building, according to the local UNIAN news agency.

    Footage from the scene showed protesters milling with riot police in the trashed building. Many protesters were shown with light injuries, including bloodied heads.

    Pro-Russian demonstrations have become a frequent occurrence in the predominantly Russian-speaking east and south of the country in recent days following the flight of President Viktor Yanukovych that swept the opposition to power. Protesters say they are alarmed by nationalist rhetoric now emanating from Kiev...................

  12. Ukraine's prime minister says Russian intervention would mean war...

    Ukraine’s prime minister says he is confident Russia will not invade, but that if it does, it would lead to war and an end to any relations with Moscow.
    Ukrainian army is on combat alert, according to Ukraine’s interim president. He also says security has been boosted around airports and nuclear facilities.
    Putin’s spokesman says the Russian president has not yet decided whether to deploy troops in Ukraine................


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