Friday, March 28, 2014

Moscow Calls for International Assessment of Rights Violations in Ukraine

Russia expects international watchdogs to assess human rights violations against ethnic minorities committed by the "new Ukrainian authorities," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Friday.
"There has been a large increase lately in the number of individuals who want to return to their historic homeland temporarily or permanently," the ministry said. "More and more Ukrainian residents are looking for refuge in Russia."
"We believe the fate of these people should not go unnoticed by influential international organizations, including the UN, OSCE, and the Council of Europe, which should clearly demonstrate their readiness to protect their rights."

  • Last Friday, Russia and other members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe agreed to deploy a mission of 100 observers to Ukraine.
During their six-month mandate, the observers will visit nine cities in different parts of the country.
  • The Russian Foreign Ministry said the interests of Russian speakers in the country, which is split between a Ukrainian-speaking west and a Russian-speaking east, are being consistently violated by the new government.
"The total disregard for the interests of the Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine is not news anymore, it's a persistent fact. And the decision to suspend broadcasts of four major Russian TV stations is the latest evidence of it," the ministry said.
  • On Tuesday, a district court in Kiev ruled to temporarily halt broadcasts of four Russian TV channels, pending hearings on a permanent ban.
The country's national broadcasting council said the channels, popular among Russian speakers, covered the recent events in the country in a manner that harmed national security.
Dunja Mijatovic, a media expert at the OSCE, condemned the move in mid-March, saying that "banning programming without a legal basis is a form of censorship; national security concerns should not be used at the expense of media freedom."

  • Комментарий Департамента информации и печати МИД России по ситуации вокруг проживающих на Украине нацменьшинств

Применительно к нынешней ситуации на Украине хотели бы обратить внимание на следующие обстоятельства, наглядно характеризующие сложившуюся там обстановку после произошедшего 22 февраля государственного переворота.
Тотальное игнорирование интересов русскоязычных жителей Украины – это уже не новость, а перманентная реальность. Последнее свидетельство тому – приостановка вещания четырех крупных российских телеканалов.
Менее заметно, но от этого не менее драматично складывается ситуация вокруг проживающих на Украине этнических немцев, чехов, венгров и других национальных меньшинств. Они обеспокоены нестабильностью политической ситуации в стране и всерьез опасаются за свою жизнь, непосредственно сталкиваясь с теми бесчинствами, которые продолжают творить доморощенные ультранационалисты и неофашисты. Вследствие этого в последнее время зафиксировано значительное увеличение числа лиц, желающих как временно, так и навсегда выехать на свою историческую родину. Все больше жителей Украины ищут убежища и в России.
Полагаем, что судьба этих людей не должна проходить мимо внимания влиятельных международных организаций, в т.ч. ООН, ОБСЕ, Совета Европы, которые должны на деле ясно продемонстрировать свою готовность защищать их права. Ожидаем от международных правозащитных органов и институтов принципиальных оценок в отношении грубых нарушений прав человека, включая права нацменьшинств, со стороны «новых украинских властей». 

1 comment :

  1. West using UN Human Rights to pressure dissenting countries – Russia...

    The West is trying to use the UN Human Rights Committee in its own interests to put pressure on dissenting countries using hypocritical accusations that undermine the organization's credibility, a commentary by the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the 25th session of the Council in Geneva reads.

    "Western delegations continue their attempts to use the Human Rights Committee in their unilateral interests in order to exert pressure on some dissenting states with the help of hypocritical accusations of human rights’ violations. Such approaches undermined the credibility of the Council and did not contribute to real improvement of the human rights situation at the local level,". Despite this, the Russian Foreign Ministry notes, during the last session, the Council managed to reach joint decisions on many important issues for promoting and protecting human rights.

    "The Russian delegation has actively participated in the search for mutually acceptable solutions, pursued a balanced and constructive line aimed at the de-politicization of the human rights sphere and strengthening the Council’s capacity for promoting equitable and mutually respectful cooperation," the message says.......Read more:


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