Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Russia should consider a ‘demonstrative’ nuclear explosion

A senior member of a Russian think tank whose ideas sometimes become government policy has suggested Moscow consider a “demonstrative” nuclear explosion to cow the West into refusing to allow Ukraine to use its arms against targets inside Russia.

The proposal, by Dmitry Suslov, a member of the Moscow-based Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, was issued a day after President Vladimir Putin warned the West that NATO members in Europe were playing with fire by proposing to let Kyiv use Western weapons to strike deep inside Russia, something he said could trigger a global conflict.


  1. Канцлер ФРГ Олаф Шольц выступает за то, чтобы разрешить Киеву использовать переданное Западом вооружение для ударов вглубь территории России, сообщает издание Politico со ссылкой на источник.

  2. Washington’s stance about unacceptability of using US weapons for strikes on the Russian territory remains unchanged, White House National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby said.

    "There's no change in our policy. We do not encourage nor do we enable attacks using US weapons on Russian soil," he said, answering to a reporter’s question at a briefing.

    "I don't have any changes to speak to," he continued, adding that the format of US military support to Ukraine"has evolved appropriately as the battlefield conditions have evolved."


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